Tuesday 28 October 2014

New Idea

   As I wanted my film to have a purpose, as stated before in an earlier post, I thought it would be a great idea to maybe include other books that will engage young people to read, such as The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner and Percy Jackson. As these are all well known and iconic children/teen books it transitions the audience into young reader to teen reader as the books are shared by pre-teen and adults alike.

   My main idea was to have a key/iconic scene from each book re-created with the two characters (the boy and the girl) from the beginning of the film, and in their imagination they are transported to the worlds in the books.

Saturday 25 October 2014

How I Am Going To Achieve My SFX

   I have seen a few video tutorials on You Tube that will help me to achieve my special effects shot that I will be using throughout my film. The one that was most helpful was made by a channel called Film Riot where they show you the clip that they have filmed with special effects, and then break down how they have added the special effects in. I found this to be very useful as it givesyou a step-by-step tutorial and the outcome also looks very realistic.

Wednesday 22 October 2014


   I thought that it wuld be a great idea to have a purpose for my film, so when it is finnished it can be of some use to someone. Because my film includes young children, the imagination and reading, I thought that I could give my finished product to my school's English department to use to encourage and inspire children to read. I believe that it is very important for people to read as it allows them to expand thier imagination and creativity. Throughout this film I hope to inspire young people to be more engaged in reading, and I thought that the fantasy genre would be one of the best genres as it engages the imagination of its audiences.

Thursday 16 October 2014


   As my main location for my film will be set in a school, I wanted there to be two differences between the real world and the imagination of the child. I thought that I could do this by cutting two shots, one of our main character in an old building/church (which represents her imagination) and a school corridor (which represents the real world) so there is some sort of graphic match between the two opposing worlds.

   I think the mixture of old and modern architecture is a good visual device for the audience to see that there are two opposing worlds. The old architecture also represents more of the fantastical and imaginary part of a child's mind, whilst the boring white walls of a school represents the blandness and un-fantastical view on life rather than to what we are capable of imagining.

Tuesday 14 October 2014


1. Need to show progression through visual mediums, such as filming shots of locations that are going to be used and also aquire some test footage. Also need still shots.

2. Analyse Sleepy Hollow and Son Of Rambow, focusing on character for SOR and locations for SH. How might they inspire me? I might also want to reference Pans Labyrinth.

3. Write a brief synopsis/script for my film over the half term with supporting original visuals (week one) . Look at Kernsey Abbey, Eastry and Monkton

4. In week two of half term I will be producing a storyboard, which will inform planning of my film.

5. I have started looking at local monuments/churches that might be of use.

Wednesday 1 October 2014


New Ideas

  • To have a green screen scene in which the characters are transported into thier imagination. The scene will be quite dark/gohic - references to Harry Potter and also Sleepy Hollow with inspiration of dark magic.
  • The film will focus a lot on the imagintion of children and the power of that and how it affects them versus the idea of growing up.
  • Would need a main focus point of the scene, e.g, the tress in both Sleepy Hollow and Pans Labyrinth