Monday 9 February 2015

Possible Soundtrack For Film

'The Story Unfolds' by Jingle Punks on the Youtube Audio Library is one of the main pieces of music that occurrs within my film. I really liked the title of the music piece as it links to my theme of story-telling. Luckily, the music reflected this and it has proved to be a valuable piece of music to my film.
'We Will Be' by Puddle of Infinity on the Youtube Audio Library is another great piece of music for my film. This piece will be played at the end of my film as I thought the relaxed melody of it would make the audience feel emotional to have left the narrative and world of the film.
'Extinction Level Event' by Jingle Punks on the Youtube Audio Library is one of my action scene music pieces. This music will play across the Hunger Games and Maze Runner sections. I thought that this wasa great piece as it is fast paced and fits both genres of film best.
I am not sure if I am going to be of use to me as of yet, but I have included it in my film thus far. This song is 'No Way Out' by Sirius Beat. This piece will feature in the wand battle scene at the begining of the film. I thought that this was a great piece as it mirrors the song from Harry Potter and is fast paced.

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