Tuesday 25 November 2014


1. How will my narrative encourage ypung people to read?

2. Plan four to five mini stories that flow ino one another andhave a key message.

3. Target audience is year 5 upwards into Key stage 3, max 14 yoa.

Need to be done by Friday the 28th November.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Test Shots - Harry Potter

Here are some test shots that I have made using After Effects. I looked at a few tutorials on how to make them, but after a while found them to be of no use, so I decided to try and do some myself, and this is the result. It took me 4 hours to do, and now that I have gotten used to what I will be doing, it will take much less time. These are only draft shots, so the efects used in the film will hopefully be of better quality and standard, considering this is my first time of using After Effects.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

A Plan Of Special Effects Used In Each Scene




  • Set extention



1. Draft footage and use special effects ov Video Copilot.

2. Start thinking about how film is going to take shape.

3. Got to local library and speak to English Teachers and talk about how my film might encourage young people to read (Primary research).  Could make a poll and find out what it is that attracts young people to read (Qualatitive Research).

4. Will I have a voice over narration? Will I have four mini stories?

Friday 7 November 2014

Scenes That I Am Going To Recreate

This is the scene that I want to recreate from The Hunger Games. It will be more fast paced then the clip that is shown, and also a lot shorter. It wont match the visuals or narrative exactly, but will use key elements from the clip and I will interperet them into my own adaptation.
 This is the scene that I want to recreate from Divergent. The main part that I want to use is the part when the main character (Tris) is running with the Dauntless, but I will use symbols from the book, such as the tattoo that Tris has, to make it recognisable to some of the audience.

This is the scene from Harry Potter that I want to use in my film. Although it's not from the first book, it's an iconic scene that people will recognise. This will probably be one of the most difficult scenes to film as there are a lot of SFX included. It will be challenging to film and also be challenging in post production as I will have to learn how to do the special effects needed.

  The scene that I have chosen from Narnia is the scene at the end of the credit sequence in the film. It depicts Lucie Pevensie trying to go back to Narnia and the door opens up to reveal light and a Lions roar. I thought that this would be a great ending sequence for the film as it is quiet and the soft light coming out from whatever object will be used would be a nice happy ending for the audience.
 The Maze Runner scene that I wanted to re-create was of them running from Greivers, but as it is quite a recent film, I haven't been able to find a clip depicting the scene that I wanted to re-create.

Monday 3 November 2014


 1. Upload key scenes that I am considering and adapt these into my own production. Add detail of the scene i.e what happens, location ect, as well as the timing of the video.
2. What will the narrative be? How will this create the flow needed for the structure.
3. Need to research educational films that promote reading.
 4. Which locations will I use to create this film.
5. Add the tutorials/screen shots from Video co-pilot to indicate how I will use technology to create these landscapes I want.
 6. Upload storyboards.