Monday 30 March 2015

What Has Inspired Me - Posters

There have been many posters that have inspired me. I particulally liked the Mockingjay teaser poster in which we only see Katniss's back. I liked the minimalism about it and would like to incorporate that into my own poster, possibly a sillhouette of one or both of the main characters and hints of each story intertwined somehow into either the background or amongst the character/s.

I also like the way the Mockingjay poster doesn't even have the title of the film, just the symbol. I have incorporated this into my own film where I have just the lighning bolt underneath my teaser poster; which acts as a symbol for the film.

Mockingjay Teaser poster
The poster for The Maze Runner inspired me for my Teaser poster as we both used the same effect (motion blur) in the posters. As you might be able to notice, the background of The Maze Runner poster is slightly blurred as if in motion or as if the character was running really fast. I really liked the use of this effect on my own teaser poster as I thought it gave it a cinematic effect to it and looked as it the spell that the character was using was of some force.
The Maze Runner teaser poster
This is one of the many posters for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. This was one of my primary inspirations for my teaser poster. Even though there is some differance from this poster from my teaser poster, like the framing of the character, this was my primary inspiration.
Haar Potter & The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 poster
I am quite proud of my teaser poster as I have never made one before. I took a still from my film and then added a little bit more special effects in o make it look more cinematic. I have added in more sparks from the wand and have added a motion blur in the bakground to also give it a cinematic feel. The text and box was inspired from a picture on the Divergent Film Series's Instagram account. I have taken elements from all three posters and have included them in my own poster.
My teaser poster
 This is my main poster. I really liked the idea of the character reading a book in this poster as that is what the whole idea of the film is about, encouraging children to read. I also really liked the idea of something magical coming out of the book. I tried, in previous drafts of the poster things such as light rays and spells, but in the end I settled with the little 'magical orbs'. I think this adds a nice effect to the poster and makes it look more intruiging.

My main poster

Thursday 26 March 2015

Creating Spells With Lens Flares & Stock Footage In After Effects

For one version of the spells used in my film I used lens flares and stock footage. Here is how I created them.

I first went to the Generate tab at the top of the screen and then went to the Lens Flare tab. I then selected what Lens Flare I wanted and then added it to my timeline. I have added many Lens Flares to my composition and after editing , masking, and key framing all of the ones that I want, I have ended up with something like this.

I has taken a while to do, but I am very proud of my final product. The lens flares serve as a 'spell' and I think look really effective.

An example of a Lens Flare

Here is what an example of a Lens Flare looks like on my project.

New Narrative Of Film

The new narrative of my film will be this:

The first half of the film will remain the same, up to the point when the screen turns to black. After this, the blackout will represent an ellipsis and the film will now take place %/6 years in the future where the boy and girl are older. They will be played by two different people but will still be the same characters.

   They will continue with the wand battle, but instead of being more confrontational, it will be friendly and this will be shown as the characters laugh and joke with each other.

The narrative will then leave hem for the third part of the film and will focus more on real children and what their favorite book means to them and what it has taught them. Slow motion shots of both children and adults reading will be shown and a voice over telling the audience what the book has taught them to be. Possible special effects of creatures such as butterflies or flowers, ect depending on what book they are reading. The film will then end with the girl (not sure if it should be old or young) telling the audience why they should read (inspiring passage, quote Albert Einstein), then will cut to black and the credit will role.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Changes To Film

Because of the challenges that I have faced, I have decided to change my story/narrative in the following ways:

1. Instead of having many different narratives/storylines, I will have one main one (Harry Potter). An elipsis will then occur and the main characters will have aged (5 or so years older, different actors). They then have another wand fight, more aggressive in spells but funny and humorous. This links to the Harry Potter series as a whole as we get to see the characters grow up on screen.

2. I will then have a 'dream-like' sequence in where a passage will be read telling the audience the importance of reading and slow motion visuals.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Poster | First Draft & Teaser Poster

This is my first draft of my main poster. It includes a tagline, the title and the billing creditis at the bottom of the poster.

I thought I would make a teaser poster for my film as many films also release teaser posters to get the audience talking about what the film might be. I have added a Twitter hashtag (#) to hopefully get people talking about this on social media and to engage my audience. For the teaser poster, I haven't added much information as this would hopefully make my audience want to find out more.