Wednesday 6 May 2015

Analysis of Empire Magazine Reviews

Here are two examples of reviews that were included in issues of Empire Magazine. Most of the reviews have a similar layout; a main picture to show the reader and a few other smaller images, details about the film such as the director, the screen writer, the actors, the running length and plot. A large quote is also included in both of the reviews and also a star rating at the end of the review.
I would like to include almost all of these things in my review to make it look as professional as it can be. I have based my review on the layout of the Paranormal Activity review, as that is the format and colour of most of the reviews from the Empire magazine.

Both of the reviews have the title of the film that is being reviews in bold, large text across the page and a some text, often comical (a pun) or linked to the film in some way. Underneath that, they then have a brief outline of all of the things that makes the film, such as the release date, the certificate of the film, the director, the actors and a brief synopsis of the film. This is often situated in the mid-left hand corner of the page/review. Each review also has a large quote from the review within the review itself; this is always much more visiable than the text of the review. After the review, the reviewer gives the reader his or her verdict and a rating of the film out of five stars. The language used within the review itself is quite colloquial as it is for an everyday audience/reader.

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