Sunday 3 May 2015

Evaluation - Question 3

What have you learned from audience feedback?

Okay, so I’d like to start off by saying I LOVE the film; one of the best student films I’ve ever seen. In fact it’s so polished that there’s very little to say on the negative side. But anything and everything has room to improve slightly so here we go!
The opening is very intriguing. Though the first shot could have more focus on the girl, as the shot makes me want to focus on the chair in the middle of the frame. When the boy sits down to talk, the music is too loud, or the dialogue is too quiet, but everything can be heard so this is a nit-picky issue. The delivery of the dialogue isn’t fully in-keeping with the music, but that’s more of a note for the actors. At 4:07-4:08, the line “Hey give me my book back” should be heard sooner, there is slightly too large a gap between when the girl stops running and says her line. 4:25, music changes too suddenly, this could have been done in a more seamless manner (maybe the big orchestral music could have started sooner at a much lower volume and slowly increased in volume as the scene’s intensity arose). Not all of the attacks blend into each other; it looks like sometimes the wand is used but doesn’t go anywhere. 5:14, music begins to fade out but comes to a sudden stop, this can be a little jarring. 5:17, goes silent for a second, sounds jumpy. 6:10 more sudden silence, 6:45 takes a while to focus. Title “SPARK” doesn’t stay in focus long enough, it fades out very quickly and we never see it very clearly. I assume “Fran Wallace” was added in later? It’s jittery and a different shade of white but not a real issue.
Now I’ve been super nit-picky here, I think SPARK is absolutely fantastic. Special effects are done really well, my favourite scene is the fight between you and Connor as Bruce walks in. The shots and cuts are perfect as is the timing. I’m glad you use simple cuts instead of all the special fades and cross-cuts and pre-rendered transition nonsense that most student films use; they’re barely ever used professionally and when they are, there’s a real purpose for it. To some extent I wish you were allowed a longer duration as it feels a little rushed due to the duration limit in the course requirements. But it is clear that a lot of time and effort has gone into this film and I BEG you to keep doing this, you’re so talented. Even if you choose a different path you have a knack for film making and should continue to do so, even if they’re just short amateur films. I particularly love the lens flares caused by the wands, very well done.

It's incredibly well shot, brilliant effects! There's not a lot wrong with it apart from perhaps the story? Apart from that it's wonderful! 


Good things: Well shot, great effects, the Bruce cameo! Less good bits: The story wasn't obvious until the monologue at the end, some of the shots were over exposed (unless that was the look you were going for???) and the music sometimes over powered peoples voices!

All of the feedback that I have been given has been very useful as it has allowed me to see what other people think of the film that I have created. Some feedback is more useful and analytical than others, but all have proved to be very useful. The main thing that needs improving from the audience feedback is my sound, as some people feel like this needs to be quieter or louder in some parts, and this I agree with.

The feedback that I have had from teachers has also been very useful and has influenced the path and outcome of my film. The feedback from teachers included tips on sound and also some visuals (such as the scene where the Albert Einstein quote is heard; I wasn't planning on using visuals, but my teachers suggested hat the use of he spells would link in with he imagination themes of my film and emphasis the quote).

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