Saturday 2 May 2015

Evaluation - Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I believe that the combination of my film and the ancillary texts are very effective as they have encouraged my audience to read and believe in their imagination more. I have tried to keep all of the products to a similar style, for example, I have used the same font throughout my products so an audience may feel soe sort of familliarity of the brand/film.


I believe that my main product (the short film) is very effective of its purpose; which is to entertain and inspire young people. The use of special effects within this film has made me put my message across to the younger generations it captures their attention and imagination.


The poster allows me to show what the film is about without giving my away. The little glowing orbs suggest to the audience that some sort of magic is involved within the narrative, and with the main character reading a book, the audience will know that the film has something to do with reading. The fact that the young girl is wearing a school uniform also suggests to the audience that the film will be set in a school. Although this is the main poster, the teaser posters give much more information away as to the narrative and the plot of the film. They include visuals of the spells being used and a text quote that reflects the overall message of the film.


I believe the review is very effective as it has been put in a magazine that would cover and feature this kind of film. I have made the title large and have kept it to the same style/font as I have throughout the products, so people might recognise it. I have used the same layout as Empire Magazine has, so this makes my review look very professional and clean. The review holds all of the information a reader would want to know about the film, such as the director, the actors, the running length and the synoposis of the film, also including a review of the film itself.

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