Thursday 22 January 2015

Screenplay For Film | Draft 1



Inside a classroom the children are playing and doing what they like, a reward time has been given. Most of the children are on their tablets playing various games. Chatter and exclamations from children can be heard. GIRL is sitting on the floor reading Harry Potter, along with a large pile of books beside her. She is engrossed in reading the books and is oblivious to the other children around her. BOY comes over and starts a conversation.


What are you doing?





Don’t you want to play Minecraft? We’re all going on a quest together. You see we need to get this special object, and we need the object to level up and unlock more stuff. And then with the stuff we will be able to unlock means we can level up faster.


GIRL is still very engrossed into her book.



(Dreamily) Maybe some other time



(Sighs) You’re so boring…


GIRL takes no notice. BOY then quickly snatches the book from her hands and runs out of the classroom.





They both run through the corridors and out into the Peace Garden.




Hey! Give me that back!



Or what?


GIRL sees a stick lying on the floor and picks it up.



What are you going to do? Throw a stick at me?



This isn’t a stick…


The stick then turns into a wand. BOY, obviously up for the confrontation, grabs himself a stick and his turns into a wand also. The two share a tense moment. Then all of a sudden GIRL throws a spell at him, but BOY manages to deflect it. Both are surprised and amazed at their new abilities and smile wildly. They both then continue to cast spells towards each other but also having fun at the same time, laughing. BOY then casts one final spell and it hits GIRL and she shields herself and closes her eyes.




GIRL opens her eyes and sees that she is in a field and that she is wearing different clothes. She realises that she is in The Hunger Games.


GIRL (to herself)

I haven’t read The Hunger Games yet…


GIRL looks over towards BOY, he look guilty.



I only read a bit… What?! Why do you get to have the bow?


GIRL looks down and sees that she is carrying a bow. She rolls her eyes and she hands it to BOY. He looks pleased.



Oh yeah…


In the distance, a scream can be heard and dogs howling and snarling. A canon goes off. Both BOY and GIRL turn round, scared.


BOY (whispers)

Mutts… RUN!


They both start to run.



I thought you said you only read a bit of it!





As BOY and GIRL are running, the pass through trees and then are transported into The Maze.




BOY and GIRL come to a sudden stop after running. They notice that they are wearing different clothes from before and BOY doesn’t have his bow. Both BOY and GIRL are panting heavily from the run.


BOY (nervously)

Where are we now?



We’re in the Maze



The what?



The Maze! Grievers… that means there’ll be –


A strange roar-like noise is heard coming from the Maze. BOY and GIRL look terrified.


What was that?!



Just follow me, and run like your life depends on it



But I’m scared



If you aren’t scared…



You ain’t human…


GIRL smiles, and they both begin to run, again, into the Maze.





BOY and GIRL fall out of wardrobe. They look bewildered. They both stand up and realise that they are back in their school uniform. As they leave the room in which the wardrobe was in, snow drift out from the wardrobe door and the faint noise of a lions roar can be heard.



The both enter the hallway, seemingly disappointed that there is no magic universe to be found.



I’m sorry I took you book from you…



That’s alright. I really like your necklace by the way.


BOY is wearing the One Ring. They both smile. A TEACHER steps outside from a classroom. BOY and GIRL turn round, startled.



I thought I told no one to leave the room! Come back in please.


Both BOY and GIRL go back into their classroom and GIRL finds that her books are in the pile that she left, including the one BOY took from her.



What shall we do now?


GIRL takes out LORD OF THE RINGS from her bag and hands it to BOY. He seems delighted. GIRL picks up HARRY POTTER and they both begin to read.




·         The One Ring glows red and then the film ends, suggesting that the BOY is about to be transported into LOTR.

Monday 19 January 2015

Target Audience

The target audience for my film will be children, both boys and girls, aged 11 and upwards. I thiught that that use of well known childrens books, such as Harry Potter and Narnia, would grab their attention as they are both books and films and are also well known franchises. I have included older  reading books, such as The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner and Divergent to act as a transition from childrens books into more Young Adult books (YA). This also serves as a tranition into Secondary school, and this mirrors the childrens books into YA books.

I thought the the VFX used within my film will capture my audiences imagination and encourage them to read the books and watch the films. As I will have the books of each film used as props within my film, I thought that this would encourage my audience to read the books more than the film as they can see the books visually, which could also act as a visual devide or subliminal message.

I also thought that with the fast tempo of the film, this would grasp thier attention and would hopefully engross thier attention into the world of the books in which they are watching. Also, the premise of the children actually being in the world of the books would also encourage them to do the same in thier imagination.

The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay Part 1 Poster Analysis

On this post I will be analysing 5 posters from The Hunger Games Franchise. The first poster is from the second Hunger Games film, Catching Fire.
This is one of the many posters used for the marketing and promemotion of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. It is similar in the styles of some character portaits that were released later on in the marketing campaign. It has a painting-like texture and cracks are even visible on the poster. It has the main character slightly off center and she is holding her iconic bow along with an arrow. The clouds are forming 'wings' behind her, which give her a heroic stance, as in the film she is the peoples hero, thier Mockingjay.

This was the first teaser poster for Katniss for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1. The darkness of the poster reflects the tone of the film and the 'wing' like armor symbolises the Mockingjay, a pivitol symbol throughout all three books and films. As this is a teaser poster, only a tag line 'I am. I will' and the release date has been revealed, but as this is now a very well know franchise, the name of the film is not needed, as the film is also recognisable from the Mockingjay symbol and Katniss's iconic hair braid and archery gear.


This poster was one of the first released for the first Hunger Games films. The poster depicts the Mockingjay pin that Katniss is given within the first film, and here it is presented engulfed in flames. This has major symbollic meaning with the film as both fire and the Mockingjay have occurances and meaning throughout all of the books and films.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Harry Potter Poster Analysis

This poster is for the first Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. The actor Daniel Radcliffe is placed in the center of the poster, suggesting to the audience that he is the main character in this film. Surrounding him are several other important charaters and important objects from the film and also locations included within the film. The characters are wearing school uniform which suggests to the audience that the events of a film takes place at a school of some sort. The owl, candles and castle in the background are connotations of magic and wizardry. Also, fog is surround all of the characters and objects within the poster, suggesting that the world that we are about to go into is mysterious and dark, nine like we have ever before seen. The tag line for the film reads 'Journey beyond your imagination', suggesting to the audience that this is a magical world filled with imaginative ideas, targeted toward the younger audience. The title of the film is also central to the poster. The yellow colouring of the text draws the readers eyes to the poster as it is a stark difference from the blue colourisation of the background.

This is a poster for the 4th Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The colours within this poster is noticably darker than the first poster, as within the Harry Potter series the narrative gets darker as the audience grows with the films. The main character is sized the largest within the poster and other main characters are positioned behind him, informing the audience of his role within the films. The tag line of this film is "Dark and terrible times lie ahead", and with our characters wands in view, this suggests that this film includes danger as a wand is a form of protection for a wizard or witch, and the darkness of the sky and the darkness of the poster also accentuates the danger. Hogwarts can be seen in the background, and further in the foreground we can see a lake with three audience stands visible. This foreshadows the events within the film.

This is one of the last posters of the Harry Potter franchise. I really like how dark the posters and the feel of the films have gotten and really like the use of fire ember in the foreground of the poster surrounding the characters and the title. The fire like embers suggest that destruction could be a theme within this film, or fire. This poster shows the three main characters running from something, but the audience are not sure what they are running from, thus surrounding it with mystery. In the foreground, the audience can tell that the characters are in a forest of some sort, which is different from the usual background of Hogwarts, suggesting that the narrative of this film has forced the characters to go out of their comfort zone and into a completely different environment, also connoting danger by the darkness of the forest. The tag line of this film is 'The end begins' suggesting that the characters times are almost up, and also signifying the end of the worlds most successful franchise ever, which also plays with the audiences emotions as most of them would have grown up with the characters form the books and the films, and now it is all ending.

I'm not going to to analyse this poster, but I really liked the idea of a moving poster. I am not sure of how I would achieve a moving poster, but I thought that it is a very good way to grab people attention towards both the poster and the film. 

Thursday 15 January 2015

The Maze Runner Poster Analysis

The Most of the posters for the Maze Runner films are dark and desaturated in appearance. This may be because of the audience that The Maze Runner is targeting. As TMR is a Young Adult fiction book, and is under the dystopian genre, the posters are reflecting the dark times that entail within a dystopian based society. 

The first poster is showing a small segment of the Maze and a character jumping mid air across a gap in the Maze. With the character positioned in the middle of the poster, and in the middle of the air, this heightens the emotion and feel of danger that could be present within the film. The Maze itself is shadowed and is clouded in darkness, suggesting to the audience that the Maze is mysterious and could also hint that the Maze in the antagonist within the film. The canted angle of the shot of the poster also suggests to the audience that the Maze, or the character is not as it seems. A canted angle also suggests abnormalities with people's sanity/mind, and if people have watched the film, we would know that this is true. The title of the film is then placed at the bottom centre of the poster. 

This is the second poster that I have chosen to analyse. Although the there were round about 10 posters released for The Maze Runner, I feel like the ones I have chosen best represent the feel of the film. This one is a full length body poster of the main character Thomas. Here, he is in a mid shot running pose with the text "Never stop running" in the foreground which makes the audience question themselves, 'running from what?'. The background is blurred, suggesting to the audience that Thomas is running at a high speed, linking in with the text displayed in front of him and with the name of the film itself. Specks of dirt and debris can also be seen near the ground and near his hands. Through the clothes that Thomas is wearing, the audience can tell that his is a slightly different world/way of life than ours. The expression in Thomas's face also makes the audience feel like whatever he is running from is dangerous. 

The third and final poster that I will be analysing is of a mid length body shot of one of the main characters called Newt. His body is slightly turned away from the audience suggesting that he doesn't want to show his full character/personality or perhaps he has a side that other don't want to see or mcould be dangerous. He is wearing clothes similar to Thomas, ragged, brown and leathery in texture, suggesting that they are from the same place. In the background of the poster, the audience can see the Maze in much clearer view. It is foggy and dark which leads the audience to believe that it is mysterious and evil. Newt is also holding some sort of knife, suggesting that he is either a dangerous character or that he needs it to protect himself, which leads to the question, 'what is he protecting himself from?'. Even though this poster in in Spanish, underneath the title The Maze Runner, is says 'Based on no.1 best seller' allowing the audience to see that it has been very successful as a book, which may influence them to read the book before watching the film, and also allows the fans of the books to learn about the film, giving the film an inherited audience. 


Looking at TMZ posters has inspired me. I might use some the the techniques such as using darkness and fog to create mystery within my poster and might also use the idea of just having text in the foreground of my poster. 

Tuesday 6 January 2015