Monday 19 January 2015

The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay Part 1 Poster Analysis

On this post I will be analysing 5 posters from The Hunger Games Franchise. The first poster is from the second Hunger Games film, Catching Fire.
This is one of the many posters used for the marketing and promemotion of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. It is similar in the styles of some character portaits that were released later on in the marketing campaign. It has a painting-like texture and cracks are even visible on the poster. It has the main character slightly off center and she is holding her iconic bow along with an arrow. The clouds are forming 'wings' behind her, which give her a heroic stance, as in the film she is the peoples hero, thier Mockingjay.

This was the first teaser poster for Katniss for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1. The darkness of the poster reflects the tone of the film and the 'wing' like armor symbolises the Mockingjay, a pivitol symbol throughout all three books and films. As this is a teaser poster, only a tag line 'I am. I will' and the release date has been revealed, but as this is now a very well know franchise, the name of the film is not needed, as the film is also recognisable from the Mockingjay symbol and Katniss's iconic hair braid and archery gear.


This poster was one of the first released for the first Hunger Games films. The poster depicts the Mockingjay pin that Katniss is given within the first film, and here it is presented engulfed in flames. This has major symbollic meaning with the film as both fire and the Mockingjay have occurances and meaning throughout all of the books and films.

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