Wednesday 10 September 2014

Examiner Report - The A2 Exam

1 - Ensure that your research is linked to generic codes and conventions, which will influence your planning and construction phase of your work.

2 - Ensure that you research into existing ancillary productions.

3 - There must be a clear focus on your target audience.

4 - Detailed storyboards shooting scheduals and detailed treatment e.g, mood boards, narraive.

5 - Annotate all locations and prop shots. Explain why are using them and what purpose they serve.

6 - Your planning/research informs deatailed planning. Annotate your research.

7 - Ensure the narrative is clear within your short film.

8 - Take the approach of creating a mood and telling a short story.

Construction - There msut be a strong sence of synergy and promotion. It has to have an explicit campaign feel.

The Film - Must consider your Mise-En-Scene carefully. Avoid drugs and street violence. Use a tripod for still shots, ensure audio quality is distinct. There is a focus on sound effects and use of foley sound. Make sure you search out copyright free music.

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