Tuesday 30 September 2014

Setting/Props/Actors/Special Effects/Costumes


   I will set my film within a school, as it involves school children. It will take place both within the school and the outside/peace garden. Most of my special effects will take place indoors, but the major shot will take place outside in the schools peace garden


   The props that will be used in this film include two wands, a Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone book and a handwritten book that I will have created myself.


   The actors that I will need for my film include a young girl, a young boy and a teacher.


   I will use various special effects in my film, of which will mainly be spell cast offs. I will learn how to do this by using various turorials from Youtube and other sources online.


   The costumes that my characters will be wearing are thier everyday school clothes, and the teacher will be wearing evryday clothes for teaching.

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