Thursday 4 September 2014

Short Films - Inspiration

The first film I have chosen is called Time and is 7 minutes long. The film tells of a young boy who has discovered the powers of time travel and changes events in the past to save the future. I like the idea of this film because the idea of time travel is presented very simply. I also liked the location used within the film, especially the forest scene, as it showed the audience the possibility of a futuristic Earth in a natural location. As the film progressed, the reason why the boy used time travel became clear, and I thought that it was a very clever ending in the fact that the boy traveled into the future to save the past/present. I especially liked the tracking shots within the forest, as it is a place that I personally love. The vast environment of the landscape gives scale and depth to the film, not just the setting.

 The second film that I have chosen is called Cargo, and it is also 7 minutes long. The film tells of a father who's wife has been turned into a zombie and he himself has been bitten. With his infant daughter in tow, he must get her to saftey before he turns into a zombie himself and leaves his daughter at risk of being killed. The film has no dialogue and is also quite clever in its narrative. I like how simple yet powerful the narrative is and also like the theme of sacrifice for someone you love in order for survival. One particular shot that I like is when the camera pulls focus on the infected mother, revealing her to be a zombie. The focus pull also showed the mental state of the father, which I also liked and thought was very effective. The make-up used in the short film is also very believable and adds a grotesque feel towards the audience.

   This film is called Sight and involves a heavy amount of special effects. I am inspired to make a film with special effects as I feel that it will be a challenge as I have never used special effects before in any of my films. I also thought that because I want my audience to be a young audience, the special effects will keep their eyes on the screen and help them to be more involved with the narrative.

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