Tuesday 9 September 2014

Story For A2 Film Project

After watching a short film called Little Wizards, I have been inspired to make a short film about the younger generation and the impact of imagination and reading at their age. The narrative will revolve around a young girl and a young boy. When the girl is seen reading Harry Potter, a boy comes up to her and asks her why she reads. After a short confrontation and argument whether books or X- Box is better, and after the boy steals the young girls book, she lets her imagination take over, and they have a 'wand duel' across the school grounds. The young boy soon joins in and learns that using your imagination is one of the best ways to have fun. After being spotted by a teacher, the two stop and the boy gives the girl her book back, she accepts. Just as they are both about to walk away, they girl turns to him and asks if he would like to borrow the book, he smiles and gladly accepts.

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