Thursday 18 December 2014

Locations & Props That Will Be Used


  • Harry Potter book
  • The Hunger Games book
  • The Maze Runner book
  • Divergent book
  • Narnia book
  • School grounds
  • Class room
  • School corridors


  • Two wands
  • School grounds
  • Classroom
  • School corridors


  • Bow and arrows
  • Feild/lightly wooded area


  • N/A
  • Feild/lightly wooded area


  • N/A
  • N/A (greenscreen)

Thursday 11 December 2014


1. Find a clip for each transition to illustrate each mini sequence.

2. Start reasearching posters for each of the films and analyse them all. What has inspired me? Where is there a common link?

3. I need to start thinking of ideas for my own poster.

Monday 1 December 2014


1. Under each strand discuss the location and props that will be used.

2. Under each strand start considering how I will technically achieve this.


In this post I will be explaining how my mini stories will flow into one another. I am going to experiment with the use of graphic matches to link each mini story.

Style Inspiration - I have seen a short film in where the background of a shot was removed to reveal a different location so the director could go to two locations in one take. This is something I would like to re-create or at least try to.

This is our opening scene. It starts with our main girl sitting down and reading Harry Potter, with The Maze Runner, Narnia, The Hunger Games and Divergent in a pile beside her. Our main boy then comes along and taunts her for reading the book and says that she should be going something more fun, like playing the x-box. When he steals her books, they chase eachother throught the school corridors.

When the young girl confronts the boy in the courtyard, it turns into a wand battle and the run throughout the school casting spells at each other. The boy casts a spell towards the girl and she closes her eyes. This acts as a transition into the next story as when she opens her eyes next, she is in The Hunger Games. This visual device was inspired by La Haine.

The scene starts off with a  close up of the girls eyes. We then see that thier outfits have changed and that both the boy and the girl are outside. After a little exploring, daytime turns to night-time and they hear a canon go of. Then after running from the Mutts (these will only be heard and not seen), a transition swipe running into the trees will transfer them to The Maze Runner.

The transition swipe will transfer the girl and boy into the world of The Maze Runner, and again their clothes have changed. They are then, quite literally, faced with the walls of the Maze and after a bit of contemplating, they finally go inside the Maze. When they walk into the Maze, it will show them walking out of a wardrobe/cupboard, transferring them into Narnia.

As they walk out of the cupboard, they are in their school uniform again. The wardrobe/cupboard has a few flakes of snow drifting out from it and rays of light can be seen, similar to the picture I have posted below in a previous post. When the children leave, a lion roar can be heard from the wardrobe/cupboard.

The children walk out from the room where the cupboard/wardrobe was in and they find themselves back in their school. They go and sit back down on their place on the floor where the girl was to start with, and both pick up a book and start reading again. Another boy comes over and asks if they want to play a game on the computer/x-box, and they both politely decline, and continue reading.

Inspiration For Transitions Into Each Story

I wanted each transition of the each scene to be represented through the eyes, as that is what we use to read with. In the opening scene of Pirates of the Caribbean, something similar happens to show a change of time.

 Start video at 4.20.

Tuesday 25 November 2014


1. How will my narrative encourage ypung people to read?

2. Plan four to five mini stories that flow ino one another andhave a key message.

3. Target audience is year 5 upwards into Key stage 3, max 14 yoa.

Need to be done by Friday the 28th November.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Test Shots - Harry Potter

Here are some test shots that I have made using After Effects. I looked at a few tutorials on how to make them, but after a while found them to be of no use, so I decided to try and do some myself, and this is the result. It took me 4 hours to do, and now that I have gotten used to what I will be doing, it will take much less time. These are only draft shots, so the efects used in the film will hopefully be of better quality and standard, considering this is my first time of using After Effects.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

A Plan Of Special Effects Used In Each Scene




  • Set extention



1. Draft footage and use special effects ov Video Copilot.

2. Start thinking about how film is going to take shape.

3. Got to local library and speak to English Teachers and talk about how my film might encourage young people to read (Primary research).  Could make a poll and find out what it is that attracts young people to read (Qualatitive Research).

4. Will I have a voice over narration? Will I have four mini stories?

Friday 7 November 2014

Scenes That I Am Going To Recreate

This is the scene that I want to recreate from The Hunger Games. It will be more fast paced then the clip that is shown, and also a lot shorter. It wont match the visuals or narrative exactly, but will use key elements from the clip and I will interperet them into my own adaptation.
 This is the scene that I want to recreate from Divergent. The main part that I want to use is the part when the main character (Tris) is running with the Dauntless, but I will use symbols from the book, such as the tattoo that Tris has, to make it recognisable to some of the audience.

This is the scene from Harry Potter that I want to use in my film. Although it's not from the first book, it's an iconic scene that people will recognise. This will probably be one of the most difficult scenes to film as there are a lot of SFX included. It will be challenging to film and also be challenging in post production as I will have to learn how to do the special effects needed.

  The scene that I have chosen from Narnia is the scene at the end of the credit sequence in the film. It depicts Lucie Pevensie trying to go back to Narnia and the door opens up to reveal light and a Lions roar. I thought that this would be a great ending sequence for the film as it is quiet and the soft light coming out from whatever object will be used would be a nice happy ending for the audience.
 The Maze Runner scene that I wanted to re-create was of them running from Greivers, but as it is quite a recent film, I haven't been able to find a clip depicting the scene that I wanted to re-create.

Monday 3 November 2014


 1. Upload key scenes that I am considering and adapt these into my own production. Add detail of the scene i.e what happens, location ect, as well as the timing of the video.
2. What will the narrative be? How will this create the flow needed for the structure.
3. Need to research educational films that promote reading.
 4. Which locations will I use to create this film.
5. Add the tutorials/screen shots from Video co-pilot to indicate how I will use technology to create these landscapes I want.
 6. Upload storyboards.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

New Idea

   As I wanted my film to have a purpose, as stated before in an earlier post, I thought it would be a great idea to maybe include other books that will engage young people to read, such as The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner and Percy Jackson. As these are all well known and iconic children/teen books it transitions the audience into young reader to teen reader as the books are shared by pre-teen and adults alike.

   My main idea was to have a key/iconic scene from each book re-created with the two characters (the boy and the girl) from the beginning of the film, and in their imagination they are transported to the worlds in the books.

Saturday 25 October 2014

How I Am Going To Achieve My SFX

   I have seen a few video tutorials on You Tube that will help me to achieve my special effects shot that I will be using throughout my film. The one that was most helpful was made by a channel called Film Riot where they show you the clip that they have filmed with special effects, and then break down how they have added the special effects in. I found this to be very useful as it givesyou a step-by-step tutorial and the outcome also looks very realistic.

Wednesday 22 October 2014


   I thought that it wuld be a great idea to have a purpose for my film, so when it is finnished it can be of some use to someone. Because my film includes young children, the imagination and reading, I thought that I could give my finished product to my school's English department to use to encourage and inspire children to read. I believe that it is very important for people to read as it allows them to expand thier imagination and creativity. Throughout this film I hope to inspire young people to be more engaged in reading, and I thought that the fantasy genre would be one of the best genres as it engages the imagination of its audiences.

Thursday 16 October 2014


   As my main location for my film will be set in a school, I wanted there to be two differences between the real world and the imagination of the child. I thought that I could do this by cutting two shots, one of our main character in an old building/church (which represents her imagination) and a school corridor (which represents the real world) so there is some sort of graphic match between the two opposing worlds.

   I think the mixture of old and modern architecture is a good visual device for the audience to see that there are two opposing worlds. The old architecture also represents more of the fantastical and imaginary part of a child's mind, whilst the boring white walls of a school represents the blandness and un-fantastical view on life rather than to what we are capable of imagining.

Tuesday 14 October 2014


1. Need to show progression through visual mediums, such as filming shots of locations that are going to be used and also aquire some test footage. Also need still shots.

2. Analyse Sleepy Hollow and Son Of Rambow, focusing on character for SOR and locations for SH. How might they inspire me? I might also want to reference Pans Labyrinth.

3. Write a brief synopsis/script for my film over the half term with supporting original visuals (week one) . Look at Kernsey Abbey, Eastry and Monkton

4. In week two of half term I will be producing a storyboard, which will inform planning of my film.

5. I have started looking at local monuments/churches that might be of use.

Wednesday 1 October 2014


New Ideas

  • To have a green screen scene in which the characters are transported into thier imagination. The scene will be quite dark/gohic - references to Harry Potter and also Sleepy Hollow with inspiration of dark magic.
  • The film will focus a lot on the imagintion of children and the power of that and how it affects them versus the idea of growing up.
  • Would need a main focus point of the scene, e.g, the tress in both Sleepy Hollow and Pans Labyrinth

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Setting/Props/Actors/Special Effects/Costumes


   I will set my film within a school, as it involves school children. It will take place both within the school and the outside/peace garden. Most of my special effects will take place indoors, but the major shot will take place outside in the schools peace garden


   The props that will be used in this film include two wands, a Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone book and a handwritten book that I will have created myself.


   The actors that I will need for my film include a young girl, a young boy and a teacher.


   I will use various special effects in my film, of which will mainly be spell cast offs. I will learn how to do this by using various turorials from Youtube and other sources online.


   The costumes that my characters will be wearing are thier everyday school clothes, and the teacher will be wearing evryday clothes for teaching.


1. Annotate pictures by looking deeper into the visuals and considering the impact on the audience.
2. Complete  feeback that was issued previously, 11 days ago.
3. Look into the film movement German Expressionism, and link this to films such as The Cabinet of Dr Caligari and Sleepy Hollow.
4. Take some still shots of landscapes that fit into the realm of fantasy.
5. The expectation is to post at least three blog posts a week.
6. I exepct to see a treatment of the film by next Monday.

Friday 26 September 2014

Collage of Inspiration

   Here is a collage of images that have inspired me. As the key prop in my narrative involves a Harry Potter book, I have looked at different types of books, some of which are used in the Harry Potter films and some that I think look appealing. I am yet to decide whether to have an actual Harry Potter book, or design one of my own. As you can see from the visuals that I have chosen, all of the books have some sort of 'old' and 'magical' feel to it, and most are lavishly decorated with engraving or drawings. This is something, that if I choose to re-create, would like to have on my book. Most of them lack in colour, and where there is colour, it is faded. I would include pictures and information from the Harry Potter world, such as magical animals, spells and objects that allow the audience to escape in the fantasy of the film.

Pan's Labyrinth - Inspiration

Here is some inspiration, that if I did design my own book, of what might be shown inside. These stills are from Pan's Labyrinth. Pan's Labyrinth includes a book that the main character uses throughout the film as a sort of guide. Although my main character will be seen with the book, she will not use it in any other way; guide, help, ect. The drawings in the book include creatures and eerie structures. I will hopefully be able to re-create or do my own drawings relating to Harry Potter in this kind of format. I also really like the use of fancy handwriting as it allows the audience to see the antiquity within the work, and also gives it an ancient and magical feel about it. I will try and recreate handwriting like this to give my book a more magical feel. 

Thursday 18 September 2014


Here is some feedback that I received from my teacher.

1. Pitch Black Heist needs more detail, focus on scenes that I particularly liked. Look at locations and moments within that narrative that hold significance.

2. Look into films such as Son of Rambow and Pans Labyrinth and look at the fantasy element/how imagination is used. Think about how I am going to shoot the scenes. Find some pictures of old books for inspiration.

3. Write a treatment/premise. Look for where it could be set, possible actors, special effects, costumes and props.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Own Learning - Film4 Short Film

   The film I have chosen to write about is the short film Pitch Black Heist which features on the Film4 shorts page. It stars Michael Fassbender and Liam Cunningham. The film is shot completely in black and white, which I thought was very effective as towards the end of the film, there is a scene in which there is no visuals, just a black screen, which I personally don't think could have been done if the film was in colour. The heist scene, which was filmed with no visual, was effective as it allowed its audience to concentrate more on the audio, which towards the end reveals a plot twist which makes the heist end badly.

Watch Pitch Black Heist - Film4

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Examiner Report - The A2 Exam

1 - Ensure that your research is linked to generic codes and conventions, which will influence your planning and construction phase of your work.

2 - Ensure that you research into existing ancillary productions.

3 - There must be a clear focus on your target audience.

4 - Detailed storyboards shooting scheduals and detailed treatment e.g, mood boards, narraive.

5 - Annotate all locations and prop shots. Explain why are using them and what purpose they serve.

6 - Your planning/research informs deatailed planning. Annotate your research.

7 - Ensure the narrative is clear within your short film.

8 - Take the approach of creating a mood and telling a short story.

Construction - There msut be a strong sence of synergy and promotion. It has to have an explicit campaign feel.

The Film - Must consider your Mise-En-Scene carefully. Avoid drugs and street violence. Use a tripod for still shots, ensure audio quality is distinct. There is a focus on sound effects and use of foley sound. Make sure you search out copyright free music.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Short Films - Inspiration 2

   This film is called Elixir and is a Harry Potter fan made film. Although my narrative will revolve around the Harry Potter books as an object (a copy of the book itself), it will not be a fan film. This short film will inspire the Special Effects for my film, and not the narrative. Although the special effects in this short film are not exactly what I want, they have still inspired me as to what kind of special effects I could use.

   This short is Little Wizards, which is what I am basing my narrative and VFX on. I really like the idea of how at first the audience thinks that whats happening is real, but as the film progresses, its really just the children's imagination. That is what I want my film to pocus on, the power of a childs imagination. I would like to use the same kind of special effects as the ones that are used in this short film for my own project. I would like to re-create the shot in which the spells clash and send off red and green sparks everywhere. This is a similar scene used in the fourth Harry Potter film, The Goblet of Fire.

Story For A2 Film Project

After watching a short film called Little Wizards, I have been inspired to make a short film about the younger generation and the impact of imagination and reading at their age. The narrative will revolve around a young girl and a young boy. When the girl is seen reading Harry Potter, a boy comes up to her and asks her why she reads. After a short confrontation and argument whether books or X- Box is better, and after the boy steals the young girls book, she lets her imagination take over, and they have a 'wand duel' across the school grounds. The young boy soon joins in and learns that using your imagination is one of the best ways to have fun. After being spotted by a teacher, the two stop and the boy gives the girl her book back, she accepts. Just as they are both about to walk away, they girl turns to him and asks if he would like to borrow the book, he smiles and gladly accepts.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Short Films - Inspiration

The first film I have chosen is called Time and is 7 minutes long. The film tells of a young boy who has discovered the powers of time travel and changes events in the past to save the future. I like the idea of this film because the idea of time travel is presented very simply. I also liked the location used within the film, especially the forest scene, as it showed the audience the possibility of a futuristic Earth in a natural location. As the film progressed, the reason why the boy used time travel became clear, and I thought that it was a very clever ending in the fact that the boy traveled into the future to save the past/present. I especially liked the tracking shots within the forest, as it is a place that I personally love. The vast environment of the landscape gives scale and depth to the film, not just the setting.

 The second film that I have chosen is called Cargo, and it is also 7 minutes long. The film tells of a father who's wife has been turned into a zombie and he himself has been bitten. With his infant daughter in tow, he must get her to saftey before he turns into a zombie himself and leaves his daughter at risk of being killed. The film has no dialogue and is also quite clever in its narrative. I like how simple yet powerful the narrative is and also like the theme of sacrifice for someone you love in order for survival. One particular shot that I like is when the camera pulls focus on the infected mother, revealing her to be a zombie. The focus pull also showed the mental state of the father, which I also liked and thought was very effective. The make-up used in the short film is also very believable and adds a grotesque feel towards the audience.

   This film is called Sight and involves a heavy amount of special effects. I am inspired to make a film with special effects as I feel that it will be a challenge as I have never used special effects before in any of my films. I also thought that because I want my audience to be a young audience, the special effects will keep their eyes on the screen and help them to be more involved with the narrative.